#/media/set/?set=a.329866113774563.75088.191047167656459&type=1 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2180546/Olympic-Opening-Ceremony-2012.html?ITO=1490 Continue Reading
ArchivesJuly, 2012
26JulLighting solutions for facades and architecture by Zumtobel

http://www.zumtobel.com/com-en/facades.html Continue Reading
14JulLighting of rail bridge in Riga, Latvia

Lighting of rail bridge in Riga, Latvia. Some facts. 2nd place in 2008 The LUCI/PHILIPS city.people.light award. Only LED lighting was allowed in this project because of this light source resistance to vibration. #/photo.php?fbid=439476859415052&set=o.126516517418569&type=1 Continue Reading